Sharon Baker, conduct/SNAPSHOT - (from left) film, bbq, walk, intimate drinks, unknown & not now, 2023, dry photo print lift, polymer & copper.
Perimeter Feeling - Nyisztor Studio, 2023
Curated by Jacob Kotzee
Artists; Reece Cahill, Sharon Baker, Erin Ginty, and Sophy Riggs.
'Perimeter Feeling' brings together four artists working across photography, printmaking, video, and installation. Their practices circulate the many shapes of apocalyptic events, from interior negotiations of identity to maximal responses to climate change. Using the limitations of language in describing these seismic ruptures as a starting point, this exhibition hopes to bring their diverse practices into conversation. (Kotzee, Jacob. 2023)
Catalogue designed by Sharon Baker.
Catalogue essay by Kieron Broadhurst, ‘Towards a Blind Horizon’.
Audio version available via Dispatch Review.
Poem by Sophy Riggs.
Install photo credit: Sharon Baker

Sharon Baker

Sharon Baker

Reece Cahill

Erin Ginty

Sophy Riggs

Sophy Riggs

Erin Ginty

Sharon Baker